Can Leaves Cause a Roof to Leak?

A low-slope roof is more prone to leaking, but even a steep roof can have problems if dead leaves accumulate. These leaves act like a sponge or a dam, blocking the water from draining as it should. Clogged gutters are a major cause of roof leaks, especially if you have trees near your house. Branches, twigs, leaves, and other debris can fall into the gutters all year round and fill them up.

Clogged gutters are more than just an annoyance to clean; they can cause damage to your home and lead to roof leaks when it rains heavily. Gutters are designed to channel water away from your house, but if they are clogged with leaves or needles, they will eventually overflow with rainwater and send it to the side of the house, where it can seep into the foundation or rot the coating. When you're cleaning the roof, don't forget to clean the gutters too. Storms and wind can throw debris into the gutters, creating an obstruction.

If the gutter is clogged, it will fill with liquid and overflow onto nearby structures, including the roof. To prevent leaves from accumulating in gutters and causing obstructions (which can cause damage to gutters, as well as leaks and water damage), consider installing a leaf rack or gutter protector that is made specifically for your type of roof gutter. If water enters your home from the roof after heavy rain, you may have a clogged gutter and need to hire a gutter repair service. Fallen gutters alone aren't particularly harmful to your overall property, but as they begin to move away from the roof, the gutter could come off and take part of the outside of the house with it.